ing1_2013.pdf Apr. 2014 | Page 24

16. Answer about you : Are you married or single? How many brothers or sisters have you got? How many pets have you got? Have you got a driving licence? Have you got a Passport? Has your friend got a car? Have you got an English dictionary? 9. CULTURE: United Kingdom Population Capital city Languages Patron saint England 55 million London English St George Wales 3 million Cardiff English and Welsh St David Scotland 5 million Edinburgh English and Gaelic St Andrew Northern Ireland 1.7 million Belfast English and Gaelic St Patrick The  United  Kingdom  is  a  unitary  state  consisting  of  four  countries:  England,  Wales,  Scotland  and  Northern  Ireland.  They are distinct in many aspects of life. It is a located in  part  of  the  British  Isles,  that  is,  in  Britain  and  part  of  Ireland. Its capital city is London and the Union Jack is the  national flag.  17. Translate the text of United Kingdom into Spanish Escribe las siguientes oraciones en negativa: I have got some books in this bag. My son has got curly hair. We have got some friends in Pinofranqueado. The school has got a library. The phone has got blue‐tooth. This is my computer. That umbrella is mine. 18. a) b) c) d) e) f) g) Ordena las palabras para escribir oraciones interrogativas: You / got / any / babies/ have? Emily / got /has / not / licence /a/ driving? This / is /whose / pen? Brothers / sisters / or / many / got /how / you / have? Or / are / married / you / single? Is / Rory’s / where / car? 19. a) b) c) d) e) f) Translate into English the followi