Infuse Issue 8 June 2019 | Page 30

You’re currently finishing your final year as a dietetic student at Missouri State University, where you’re 1 of only 3 males in your year. What drove your decision to return to university after a career in construction management? You have a huge online following with >72K Instagram followers, >908K followers on Facebook and almost 200 million YouTube views. What are your top tips for staying relevant? 1. Think like your audience: I’ve always been curious about nutrition and fitness but participating in body transformation contests really spurred my career change. After finishing my first body transformation challenge, I felt terrible. I was training too much, not eating enough and relying on supplements. Two years later, I participated in another transformation challenge and was much smarter about my approach. I finished the second contest in better shape both physically and mentally. Think from the perspective of the people you want to attract to your page. What do they want to see? Don’t lose yourself just trying to gain followers, but don’t just post what you want either. Find some common ground. 2. Play the long game: Don’t expect results overnight. It’s taken time to build up our channels. I started back in 2010 and have never taken a break or long hiatus. I lived in my parent’s basement from 2013 to 2016 while I was working on foodchallenges. com. I started my YouTube channel back in 2010 and didn’t make money until 2015. If you really want to build a big presence, know that all great things take time and genuine effort. In 2015, I went all-in on a career change. I started looking into nutrition certifications and learned that anything less than a registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN) wouldn’t be taken seriously. "Once I am a dietitian, I’ll be working on providing my community with ultra-simplified nutrition tips and keeping people out of hospitals." © Dietitian Connection 30 3. Be consistent: My followers know that I post videos every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 3:30 pm CST. We have always been consistent with that. If you take long breaks, just know that some of your followers will lose interest and stop following you. Plan your attack before you start and fully commit to building your social media. Infuse | June 2019