Infuse Issue 8 June 2019 | Page 26
Will robots take our jobs?
by Kate Agnew, Marketing and Communications Director, Dietitian Connection
The short answer is NO but they’ll change our jobs and increase
our relevance.
I’ve watched many movies about the impending doom from robots becoming ‘smarter than
people’ and the threat of Artificial Intelligence (AI) but nothing in the context of dietetics.
Even though we all know it’s coming.
William Carter, who delivered a presentation
at FNCE 2018, is kind of a genius and really
changed my mind about AI. He did a great
job of taking a technical and complex field
and relating it to the future of healthcare.
He’s the Deputy Director of the Technology
Policy Program at the Center for Strategic and
International Studies (CSIS) in the US.
So, quick recap… When you hear the term AI –
what do you think of? Apparently the number
one association is The Terminator. It’s actually
not just one thing. AI is a field of multiple
technologies and systems. These systems
enable machines to sense, comprehend, act
and learn. Okay this sounds pretty Terminator-
ish. BUT it’s not all doom and gloom – promise!
Read on…
We’re already using some of these AI systems,
particular the popular one called Machine
Learning (ML); completing a google search or
wearing your fitbit / smart watch is an example.
The thing is, there is still A LOT of work that
needs to be done to get these technologies
right. AND health professionals will be a
large part of making this happen safely and
appropriately [And no, you don’t need to know
how to “code” to play a part].
© Dietitian Connection
Infuse | June 2019