Infuse Issue 8 June 2019 | Page 21
The RPAH Elimination
Diet & Challenge Protocol
Can you outline the protocol that you use at
RPAH to identify and manage food chemical
The RPAH elimination diet and challenge
protocol is a short-term diagnostic diet. There is
no one size fits all, and the protocol is an n-of-
1 trial, where every patient is their own control
and is followed in four stages or parts. Patients
present with symptoms and so first, a thorough
assessment must be undertaken to answer the
first question of ‘could this patient have a food
intolerance’, making sure that other possible
reasons for their symptoms have been excluded.
The four stages include the diagnostic
elimination diet, challenges, liberalisation
(personal diet and determining the tolerance
threshold), and then long-term management.
interview continues overleaf...
© Dietitian Connection
Infuse | June 2019