Infuse Issue 7 March 2019 | Page 4
From the Desk
of Maree Ferguson
Founder & Director, Dietitian Connection
Welcome to our first issue of Infuse for 2019!
This year has already kicked off with some
exciting projects here at DC, none other than
our annual Dietitians Unite taking place in
Sydney, later this month. We’re so excited to
have a record number of attendees who’ll join
our impressive list of speakers across three
streams: clinical, business and how to get
that job!
I look forward to catching up with those of you
attending and for those not able to make it,
never fear – we’ll provide an event wrap in our
next issue, so you won’t completely miss out.
Over the years and in numerous positions I’ve
held, I believe the start of a new year offers
a chance to regroup, refocus and set those
goals for the next 12 months. Here at DC we’re
adopting a quote by Sir Richard Branson, as our
motivation for 2019 and I thought it was only
fitting to share with all of you.
“Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak;
courage is also what it takes to sit down
© Dietitian Connection
Infuse | March 2019