Infuse Issue 20 October 2023 | Page 7

Here are a few of the highlights :

Dietitians Unite 2023 ... in numbers

250 14 2 awesome attendees ( hey , that ’ s you !) inspiring speakers exciting streams ( clinical & business )

4 workshops & breakfast sessions

= 1 unforgettable day

Here are a few of the highlights :
1 ) Keynote speaker : Adam Ferrier
Equally cool and creative , Adam is one of Australia ' s leading creative strategists and a consumer psychologist . In his presentation , ‘ The science and magic of behaviour change ’, Adam shared why a little magic ( aka motivation ) is needed to help drive change . Cue a room fizzing with inspiration .
2 ) Culinary Nutrition Workshop
Food is every dietitian ’ s love language , so it ’ s no surprise this interactive cooking workshop with the talented culinary nutrition science team from Australian Catholic University was an absolute hit that is still being talked about today . By delving into the theory of sensory science , our eyes were opened to the endless culinary nutrition opportunites for dietitians .
3 ) Career tips with Dr Joanna McMillan
We all know and love Dr Jo , and keenly follow her expansive career . While it ’ s impressive from the outset , the reality is it took years of grit and determination to make it happen . In an intimate conversation , Jo shared her top tips to build a long and rewarding career , which included “ be bold , never stop learning , and be fun ( and nice ) to work with ”.
Dietitians Unite 2023 was supported by :
© Dietitian Connection 7 Infuse | October 2023