Infuse Issue 20 October 2023 | Page 19

Meet our new team member


Delfino , Editor

Tell us how pursuing a career in dietetics started .
I think most dietitians share a love of food , but what I love most is the way food brings people together . I enjoy cooking for the people I love , telling stories around the table and swapping favourite recipes . I even married into a food-loving Italian family ! In my teens , I realised not everyone relates to this mindset and for many people , their relationship with food is complex , often fuelled by years of unhealthy diet culture , media misinformation and confusion . This led me to studying nutrition and dietetics at Sydney University , with a goal to one day write for my favourite health magazine , Australian Healthy Food Guide ( AHFG ). I wanted to change the script and spread my nutrition mindset far and wide .
How did your career progress from there ?
Straight after Uni , I landed a clinical role at the same hospital where I was born . It was a period of rapid growth and learning as I moved between specialities . Oncology patients one day , cardiac rehab and IBS the next . I loved connecting with patients . This is when I felt nutrition education landed best – when I ’ d developed a deep level of trust and connection .
Two years later , my dream job at AHFG came into fruition . I started as a magazine ‘ newbie ’, but what I lacked in knowledge , I made up for in enthusiasm . I was mentored by some of the best in the business and held the reins as editor for seven years , translating evidence-based nutrition information into easy-tounderstand , practical advice for everyday people . For 10 years I paired my love of food , words and people to carve a career I am incredibly proud of .
What attracted you to working at Dietitian Connection ?
For me , it always comes back to people . I love being a dietitian and nothing beats our incredible community . We ’ re smart , laser-focused and genuinely want to make people ’ s lives better – a winning combination in my eyes . As a profession , we ’ re more connected than ever which is an exciting concept . What ’ s that saying … ‘ If you want to go quickly , go alone . If you want to go far , go together ’. I wholeheartedly believe that . Maree is a visionary leader who cares deeply for her team , and I look forward to bringing our many great ideas to life !
© Dietitian Connection 19 Infuse | October 2023