Infuse Issue 20 October 2023 | Page 13

In the vibrant tapestry of multicultural Australia , the aged care sector stands as a critical setting where cultural diversity should be celebrated and respected . So , we pose the question , how well embedded are you in multicultural Australia ?
We live in one of the most culturally diverse countries in the world – a colourful melting pot of ethnicities and cultural backgrounds , which ultimately shapes our food culture . We ’ re also an ageing population . According the 2021 census , around 37 per cent of Australia ’ s population over 65 years of age was born overseas , with European migrants making up a significant proportion of overseasborn Australians . However , this is quickly shifting to Asian- and Africa-born populations .
Nutrition care never has , and never will be , a one-size-fits-all approach , but it ’ s increasingly important to consider the needs of people from culturally and linguistically diverse ( CALD ) backgrounds .
The link to malnutrition
One concerning issue that often goes unnoticed is the lack of culturally appropriate food in aged care facilities for older malnourished patients . This oversight can have far-reaching consequences , not only in terms of nutrition but also in maintaining the dignity and wellbeing of our elderly population . Malnutrition is a serious consequence of poor nutrition , and is associated with increased risk of falls , fractures , wounds and infection – frequently requiring hospital care .
© Dietitian Connection 13 Infuse | October 2023