Infuse Issue 15 February 2022 | Page 27

Your gut microbiome is the collection of bacteria , fungi and other microorganisms that live within your gut . In the past , they were thought to simply be taking advantage of a warm place to live with plenty of water and food . Today , we know the picture is much more interesting and your microbiome is in fact playing an essential role in digestion and gut health , with knock-on effects for both your physical and mental health – and that ’ s why it ’ s so important we look after it . So , when we feed ourselves nutritious food , we must also think about feeding our microbiome the food it needs to thrive .
By which I mean fibres . There are lots of different types of fibres and they can have a broad range of effects .
Some are soluble in water and form a gel in the gut . This helps to stimulate movement , but it also slows the access of digestive enzymes to any carbohydrates in the meal . This means they are broken down more slowly , helping to keep blood sugar levels controlled . The fibre gel can also bind to cholesterol in the gut and help to carry it out of the body , in turn lowering blood cholesterol levels .

... your microbiome is in fact playing an essential role in digestion and gut health , with knock on effects for both your physical and mental health .

© Dietitian Connection 27 Infuse | February 2022