Infuse Issue 15 February 2022 | Page 35

Is there a food intolerance test ? Unfortunately , there are NO reliable tests for food intolerance , with one exception : lactose intolerance . Keeping a ‘ food and symptom diary ’ and speaking to a doctor in the first instance is a good idea to rule out any medical causes . An Accredited Practising Dietitian can then assist with a dietary review and provide evidence-based guidance to determine and manage problematic foods .

Rarely is there a need to cut out entire food groups permanently with an intolerance .

Avoidance of culprit foods is the best treatment for allergy . If that ’ s not possible , medication , immunotherapy or epinephrine may be prescribed by an allergy specialist .
Treating an intolerance may involve a reduction in the quantity or frequency of the culprit food or foods for a short period of time . More significant intolerances , such as ‘ FODMAPs ’ or ‘ food chemical intolerance ’ may require further steps to identify problematic food compounds and then liberalise the diet again , under the guidance of an Accredited Practising Dietitian . When it comes to lactose intolerance , lactose-free product alternatives are recommended as the swap of choice .
© Dietitian Connection 35 Infuse | February 2022