Other fibres are insoluble but are no less important . They assist in moving everything along the gut and bulking out stools , helping to avoid constipation . Many insoluble fibres also bind to toxins in the gut and carry them out of the body .
Once in the colon , some fibres are fermented and become fuel for your microbiome – they are called prebiotics . By consuming a range of prebiotics , you help to create a diverse , healthy microbiome with lots of different species of microorganisms and no one group dominating . This is exactly what we want for health .
The non-fermentable fibres are also still important as they help to carry the fermentable fibres along the length of your colon , ensuring that fermentation continues throughout . That matters because it is the products of fermentation that have anti-inflammatory effects within the gut and throughout the body . They keep the cells lining the gut healthy . They influence immune function and communicate all sorts of messages to the brain .
Wholegrains such as oats , barley , bulgur , whole wheat , quinoa , teff , corn , millet , amaranth and buckwheat , as well as products made from their whole forms . Look for the words ‘ wholegrain ’ or ‘ wholemeal ’ on the packet .
WHERE TO fibre
Potatoes and sweet potatoes . If you also eat the skin and if you cook and cool them you create a type of fibre called resistant starch . This is like premium gold star fuel for your microbiome . Potato salad is a gut loving treat , who ’ d have thought ?!
© Dietitian Connection 28 Infuse | February 2022