There is no cure for IBS or IBD , but there are treatments to help manage symptoms and improve quality of life .
For IBS , there are many treatments available , with varying levels of scientific evidence . They include :
• Modifying fluid , fibre and fat intake
• Restricting caffeine and alcohol
• Exercise
• Low-FODMAP diet
• Gut directed hypnotherapy
• Stress management
IBD can be managed effectively with medications that control the inflammatory response . Some people with IBD have increased needs for certain nutrients , so dietitians play a key role in managing IBD . There is no specific diet for patients with IBD , but some patients find relief by changing to a bland , low-fibre diet and eliminating high-fibre and spicy foods when they have a flare up . The low- FODMAP diet has also been shown to provide symptom relief for some people with IBD , although it has no effect on inflammation levels in the gut .
IBS and IBD should not be selfdiagnosed . Instead , it is essential that people see their doctor to investigate symptoms and rule out any other underlying medical conditions .
© Dietitian Connection 23 Infuse | February 2022