Inflammatory bowel disease ( IBD ), on the other hand , is an autoimmune condition causing long-term , destructive inflammation in the gastrointestinal ( GI ) tract . It includes : 1 . Chron ’ s disease , which can affect any part of the GI tract 2 . Ulcerative colitis , which affects only the colon 3 . Unspecified IBD
The prevalence of IBD is increasing globally and is estimated to reach over 100,000 patients in 2022 in Australia alone . Visible inflammation can be seen on examination of the GI tract in patients with IBD and the condition can get progressively worse . Several blood tests and examinations may be needed to diagnose IBD .
People with IBD are three times more likely than the general population to have IBS , but they are two separate conditions .
The causes of IBS and IBD are unknown , although there are several factors that may be involved :
• Gut sensitivity
• Gut permeability ( AKA ‘ leaky gut ’)
• Fast or slow gut motility
• Imbalance of ‘ good ’ and ‘ bad ’ bacteria in the gut
• Gastro or gut infections
• Genetic susceptibility
• Immunological response
• Environmental factors
© Dietitian Connection 21 Infuse | February 2022