Infuse Issue 12 November 2020 | Page 19

Image courtesy of Alice Zaslavsky
Her overarching mission is simple – connect people with food and get them cooking - “ What I ' m trying to do is remove as many barriers as possible that are in people ' s way that are keeping them from cooking . Because , no matter what you cook , it ' s always going to be better than what you get out of a box . That , at its heart , is what I think I do , and it drives me ”.
So , what next for this whirlwind ? Like so many people , Alice has had her plans scrambled by COVID-19 . A new television show , described as ‘ like Super Nanny , but with food ’, has had to be temporarily shelved until visiting people in their homes is feasible again . She ’ s keen to spend more time with her family .
article continues overleaf ...
Image courtesy of @ aliceinframes
© Dietitian Connection 19 Infuse | November 2020