Infuse Issue 12 November 2020 | Page 13

" Find a mentor , talk to people , ask people who could help you , don ' t expect to do it all alone ."

A lot of your current research work is technology-based . How do you see technology benefiting dietitians in the clinic ?
When people come to see dietitians , they like the personalisation , the behavioural counselling , the goal setting , all those elements . The only way we can have enough time to really get into those things is to automate some of the more mundane aspects like the food records . You can get clients to use online questionnaires or apps . The other really important aspect is telehealth consultations . I recently worked with Dietitians Australia on the telehealth position paper – the responsibility is on us now to prove that telehealth is a valuable service and should be here to stay .
article continues overleaf ...
Image courtesy of Clare Collins . Above : New contacts made at the annual DAA Conference
© Dietitian Connection 13 Infuse | November 2020