Infuse Issue 11 May 2020 | Page 26
Hemp Pea protein
Hemp has been approved for consumption
in Australia, although it has been used as
food for centuries in other cultures. The
hemp food products are derived from
low-THC hemp seeds, which don’t contain
the psychoactive substances associated
with cannabis. Industrial hemp is a distinct
variety of Cannabis sativa L, meaning it
won’t make you high. Low-THC hemp
products available in Australia include
whole hemp seeds, hemp flakes, hemp oil,
hemp protein (the part leftover after the
oil is extracted) and hemp flour (ground
hemp seeds). Pea protein powder or isolate is proving
useful for vegans and for people with dairy
intolerances or allergies, who can’t eat whey
protein from milk.
Pea protein is a complete protein. This
means that it has all nine of the essential
amino acids which your body can’t make
and which you have to get from your diet.
But while pea protein has around 9 per cent
leucine, which is good for building muscle, it
is low in methionine, which you would need
to get from other sources in your diet.
Due to the way it is made, pea protein
isolate doesn’t contain the anti-nutrients
that peas themselves contain and that
prevent absorption of nutrients in the gut.
Hemp seeds don’t need soaking, crushing
or cooking. Typically around half their
content is fat. Their contribution to plant
omega-3s such as alpha-linolenic acid
(ALA) is outstanding. Hemp provides
important vitamins including vitamin
E and B group vitamins (such as folate
and thiamin), along with minerals like
phosphorous, potassium, magnesium
and iron, and yes has less than 2 per cent
© Dietitian Connection
Collagen is found in the connective tissues
– ligaments, cartilage, muscles, tendons and
skin – as well as in the bones of all animals.
It is a protein and thus a source of amino
acids. Collagen supplements are usually
collagen that has been hydrolyzed so that it
has been broken down into its constituent
peptides. This makes it easier to absorb and
use. Collagen can be bought in the form of
supplements sold as collagen hydrolysates
or peptides but good quality bone broths
are excellent home-made sources of
Infuse | May 2020