Infuse Issue 11 May 2020 | Page 14

"How can you make the most of your time working from home, or off? " go or put them on leave without pay until your work picks up again. At the moment, Government incentives may help cushion this blow for many people. Work when you can. When it comes to business strategy, I admit to being a bit of a nerd, and have spent the last week devouring business journals, trade magazines, books and audiobooks that describe great organisations and businesses that are born or thrive through a crisis (for my work with DAA). Besides the obvious winners who directly solve new problems created by the crisis, the one common thread with successful companies is that they work when everyone else isn’t. What do they do? That seems to vary and can include product development, pivoting business models, exploring new markets or perfecting their offerings. When I was out with swine flu after bringing it home from FNCE 2009, I wrote my communication for change book series. When I was stuck in Dover waiting for the weather to clear for my English Channel swim, I wrote my psychology thesis. When I had my knee and ankle surgeries, I developed content for Sophus Nutrition. For all of these projects, I was able to rest when I needed, and work when I could, without any pressure… Getting the projects done were a bonus but not essential. How can you make the most of your time working from home, or off? Understand what Government incentives you are eligible for by taking a good look at your business numbers, and speaking to your accountant or business advisor. details all of the Australian and State Government incentives. Speaking to your local Entrepreneurship Facilitator can also help ensure you're not missing out on something. You may need to redo your financial forecasts based on these incentives and downturn in revenue. Maximise available income. Take a step back to see what income is available to you at the moment - this may be looking for those clients who you can do work for from home, or if you are in private practice that are willing to pay for telehealth. If you have veterans who need to be seen, apply for prior approval for telehealth consultations. At the time of writing there was word that telehealth for Medicare rebates will be approved. Some private health insurers also cover tele-dietetics and information can be found on this google sheet. If you are going to do telehealth in the long-term, please look into some. © Dietitian Connection 14 Infuse | May 2020