Infuse Infuse 9 September 2019 | Page 27

Image courtesy of RBWH Clinical Multimedia "...we used audit and interviews with patients and staff to understand the real problem." Acknowledgements: The AH-TRIP team, especially Ingrid Hickman, Katrina Campbell, Shelley Wilkinson, Ashley Cameron and Sally Barrimore, and the Eat Walk Engage team, especially Alison Mudge, Prue McRae, Margaret Cahill, Karen Lee-Steere and Merrilyn Banks. References: 1. 2. 3. 4. Young A, Olenski S, Wilkinson S, Campbell K, Barnes R, Cameron A, et al. Knowledge translation in dietetics: a survey of dietitians’ awareness and confidence. Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research 2019;In Press Young AM, Keller HH, Barnes R, Bell JJ. Clinicians as novice facilitators: a SIMPLE case study. Journal of Health Organization and Management. 2019;33 (1):78-92. Queensland Health. Allied Health Translating Research Into Practice [internet]. Brisbane, Queensland (Australia). Available: https://www. Accessed: June 2019. Young AM, Banks MD, Mudge AM. Improving nutrition care and intake for older hospital patients through system-level dietary and mealtime interventions. Clinical Nutrition ESPEN. 2018;24:140-7. © Dietitian Connection 27 Infuse | September 2019