Infuse Infuse 10 December 2019 | Page 9

"Our skills as dietitians go way beyond providing generic advice" Contents I N T R O D U C T I O N : T H E S TA RT OF SOMETHING BEAUTIFU L / 1. U N D E R S TA N D I N G Y O U R G UT / 2. LEARN MORE: To keep updated on the latest gut health news, connect with Megan on social media, or visit her website: / 5. FOOD INTOLERANCES / 6. I R R I TA B L E B O W E L S Y N D R O ME / 7. BEYOND DIET / 8. IN THE KITCHEN Indexes With Thanks 22 38 78 108 136 158 186 282 292 304 9780241355084_EatYourselfHealthy_Megan Rossi_PRE.indd 5 21/06/2019 15:45 @TheGutHealthDoctor © Dietitian Connection NUTRITION FOR THE GUT COMMON COMPLAINTS CONCLUSION: YOUR GUT H E A LT H A C T I O N P L A N @TheGutHealthDoc YOUR INNER UNIVERSE OF MICROBES / 3. / 4. 6 12 Image courtesy of Emma Croman 9 Megan's book 'Eat Yourself Healthy' is available to purchase instore or online through major retailers. Soft copies available to download to your device. Infuse | December 2019