Infuse Infuse 10 December 2019 | Page 7
Image courtesy of
Emma Croman
This year you started The Gut
Health Clinic in London. Can
you share a little about the
highly specialized clinic and
experts you’ve pulled together?
Gut health is revolutionizing
what it means to be human and
how we manage many health
conditions. However, it’s a new
area with research emerging
daily, and it can be difficult for
practitioners to keep up. This is
what drove me to set up The Gut
Health Clinic. All our clinicians
also work in gut health research
at King’s College London and are
fully immersed in new findings.
We also see you’re very in
demand as a guest speaker.
Do you enjoy presenting and
what are your top tips for
finding your own style (and
owning the stage)?
I am really passionate about
empowering others to take
control of their health, and find
that speaking opportunities
provide the perfect platform
to do this in an engaging way. I
present the way that I like to be
presented to. I try to make the
science easy to digest (pardon
© Dietitian Connection
the pun!) for people that don’t
necessarily have a science
background. When I’m planning
a talk, I think about what will
grab the audience’s attention and
motivate them to learn more.
The Gut Health Doctor: Eat
Yourself Healthy launched in
September – what inspired you
to write the book?
Boosting gut function is one
of the most effective ways to
enhance our overall health and
wellbeing. I have seen this first
hand in clinic, as well as in my
research. Frustratingly, there is
so much misinformation about
gut health floating around - from
probiotics to restrictive diets –
it's disheartening and damaging.
I wrote this book because I
wanted to make an evidence-
based approach accessible to
everyone and to empower people
with knowledge and practical
advice. I want to see others
realise the power and potential
of their gut.
article continues overleaf...
"I am really
passionate about
empowering others
to take control of
their health"
Infuse | December 2019