Infuse Infuse 1 September 2017 | Page 16

My Top Five Tips on

Building a Global Network

with Maree Ferguson , Founder & Director , Dietitian Connection
DC founder and director Maree Ferguson ’ s professional network extends well beyond Australia .
Here are her top five tips on building and growing relationships with nutrition leaders around the globe :

1 ttend international dietetic conferences , and network with the Aspeakers and attendees . Every

year I attend the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics ( AND ) FNCE . I leave inspired every time .


Become a member of an international dietetic organisation . I highly recommend becoming a member of the AND . Because of their size , with more than 100,000 dietitian members , they are able to offer great resources and value for money , including email discussion groups , which I find to be invaluable .
© Dietitian Connection 16 Infuse | September 2017