What are some of the opportunities for up-and-coming dietitians in the next decade ?
When I first started dietetics , the number of business people and entrepreneurs was very few . In the next five to ten years , it will become quite the norm . With that also comes the risk that people lose some of their credibility with becoming an entrepreneur . Sometimes we need to take a step back and say , “ The research isn ' t quite there yet , so let ' s not oversell it ."
You recently received a prestigious award for your work – and Princess Anne gave it to you personally . Tell us about this !
The award was from the British Nutrition Foundation ; we received funding to look deeper into the mechanisms of how the low FODMAP diet works . Princess Anne is one of their patrons . Meeting her was surreal . I got to chat one-on-one with her in advance of receiving the award , and she was so personable . I was nervous , and thought , " I have to be very proper ", but Princess Anne was cracking jokes !
Living in London , have you met Jamie Oliver yet ?
Not yet , but Jamie Oliver reached out to me on Instagram , and since then we ’ ve had quite a few conversations . I know that our paths will cross ; he ’ s such an inspiring person !
To keep updated on the latest gut health news , connect with Megan on social media , or visit
her website : ( click the link ):
. drmeganrossi . com
. com / Dr Megan Rossi @ TheGutHealthDoctor
@ TheGutHealthDoctor
Referenced works :
· Heidi ’ s paper : https :// www . ncbi . nlm . nih . gov / pubmed / 28625832 ( Probiotics and LFD in IBS )
· Megan ’ s paper : https :// www . ncbi . nlm . nih . gov / pubmed / 28993261 ( Predicting response to diet )
· Hypno vs LFD paper : http :// onlinelibrary . wiley . com / doi / 10.1111 / apt . 13706 / full
© Dietitian Connection 32 Infuse | March 2018