Infuse 3 March 2018 | Page 11
With Jamie’s Ministry of Food and
Jamie Oliver’s Learn Your Fruit and Veg,
there’s opportunity for us to reframe
“healthy” for people, and have a lot of
fun along the way.
What are your top priorities, as CEO of
The Good Foundation?
Going Mobile
Primary Schools/
Edible Education
My first objective is to scale Jamie’s
Ministry of Food, and reach even more
My second objective is to address
adolescent and childhood eating
habits, at even a primary school
level. Kids are coming from homes
that are not cooking from scratch,
and they don’t understand how
fresh fruit and veg can really power
them. There’s a massive opportunity
for us to get edible education back
on the curriculum.
Jamie’s Ministry of Food has taught
over 40,000 people how to cook from
scratch since 2011. The people who’ve
been through the courses are eating
better, but they’ve also increased their
sociability skills: they’re connected,
proud, sharing recipes – and more
confident in cooking.
Jamie always talks about bringing
cooking skills back, because it’s a lost
art. We’re seeing the evidence of that.
We’re not just talking about “pretty
cooking classes” – we’re teaching
people what food is.
In 2018, we also launch a pilot
program in 20 schools, and
happily, we’ve got a wealth of
people who’ve applied to facilitate
incursions in schools: introducing
kids to seasonal ingredients, then
teaching them, in fun ways, what to
do with these ingredients and how
to use them at home. The goal is
to get two million kids eating half a
cup more fruit and veg a day.
So – “reaching more people”, or
being more mobile, means looking at
different formats, such as pop-ups and
interview continues overleaf...
© Dietitian Connection
Infuse | March 2018