Infowriters4_2018 InfoWriters nr. 4 din 2018 | Page 4

INFO WRITERS An analysis upon health S ince the oldest times, health has been one of the main objectives of human kind and during those times, it was based on providing food which was obtained with great physical effort. Because of the importance of health, people used to greet each other with saying that contained the word “health/healthy” in them, like: “Glad to find you healthy!”, “May God keep you healthy!”, “Stay healthy!”, “Come back in good health!” The industrial revolution led to the develop- ment of agriculture and to the appearance of food industry which brings along an abundance of foods for which people don’t have to put in the same amount of physical effort in order to pro- duce. The abundance in food richer and richer in cal- ories and people’s inadaptability to the marketing schemes of businesses which produce food, led to the increased number of overweight and even obese people. In Romania, after the studies carried out by the National Institute of Public Health and a survey in the eating habits which was conducted in 2010 on 836 subjects, the results were that 62% of them were overweight, and in 2011, the same survey, carried out on 1071 subjects, showed that 60% were overweight and obese. The subjects on which the study was carried out, excessively consumed meat and meat based products, dairy products, eggs and sugar and they consumed very little fish, vegetables, fruit and natural juices. Their alimentation was enriched with salt, used in a quantity almost double to the one recommend- ed. Furthermore, 25% of the subjects suffered from hyper blood pressure. From this study and others conducted on over- weight subjects, we can draw the conclusion that there is a strong relation between excessive eat- ing and the nutrition and cardiovascular diseases which this can lead to not only for adults but also for children. The excess in alimentation is usually done be- cause people place firstly the tasty kinds of food and secondly the healthy ones. The taste of food is given by the saturated fats fried in oil or animal 2 fat, grilled or roasted. When we consume foods rich in choles- terol and saturated fatty acids, lipids (triglycerides, cholesterol) accumulate on the walls of arteries, they form arterioscle- rotic layers thus leading to the narrowing of arteries, a reduction in blood pressure and a frail elasticity of the arterial walls which can all cause Atherosclerosis. This disease af- fects the heart, the brain and can also affect the femoral and renal arteries. Within the prophylaxis of degenerative diseases like Atherosclerosis, the antioxi- dants that can be found in fruits and vegeta- bles play a very important role. In order to prevent overweight, we should bear in mind the food pyramid from which to consume moderately and to exercise daily.  Bibliography: National Health Report of children and youngsters in Romania, Carol Davila Publishing House, 2015 Activity Report 2010-2016, National Health Institute China Study, Dr. T. Colin Campbell, Thomas M. Campbell II, Advent Rm. Valcea Publishing House, 2007 Teacher Diana Elena DIACONU National College "Ienăchiță Văcărescu"