Infowriters4_2018 InfoWriters nr. 4 din 2018 | Page 30

INFO WRITERS What is the benefit of sports in our lives? Have you ever considered why you need to do sports? Well, here is the answer: Besides the fact that the movement has multiple benefits for our body. Physical activity makes us stay healthy and develops the depth and clarity with which we think as we get older. Thus, if we do not move for at least an hour a day, our muscles are atrophied,. During sports training, the blood is moved and the brain retains a better shape. So why is sport important? 1. It motivates us and helps us to overcome our own limits. 2. Balances psychic activity. 3. Helps us think better. 4. Increases the ability to react. 5. Lives life and quality. 6. It gives you a positive state. 7. Stretches the heart. Student Laurenția Maria TOLEA The sleep We all have the instinct to move , to be active. Resting after exercises and sleeping enough are extremely important if we want our body to heal. Our sleeping cycles are regulated by the cir- cadian rhythm that is dictated by the presence or absence of light. When outside is light, our bodies think we need to be awake and vice versa. There are two hormones which involved in sleep cycles, the same hormones that play an important role in the way that our weight is distributed: melatonin and cortisol. The melatonin is designed for sleep time and the cortisol is the one that awakens you. The true lifestyle concern should include concern for physical health but also for mind and soul The physical body is nothing but a vehicle for the soul and spirit. Student Maria Cristina TONEA 28