Infowriters4_2018 InfoWriters nr. 4 din 2018 | Page 28

INFO WRITERS A healthy body in a healthy body I think the sum of our habits is reflected in the health we have. Mood is also the result of your own lifestyle. Both physical and mental health depend, to a large extent, on the daily habits we have and the way we live. It matters what we eat, if we move, if we drink alcohol or smoke. Nutrition is an- other indicator of a healthy lifestyle, so in 2008, a healthy eating pyramid was made. At its core are physical exercise and nu- trition. Vegetables and fruits, whole grains, healthy oils should not be missed from the dai- ly menu because they are our energy source. We need to consume eggs, fish, poultry, nuts and seeds. 1-2 servings a day of dairy will bring the necessary calcium ratio in the body. Researchers have put the food on the top of the pyramid to be consumed less frequently: red meat, butter, cere- als, potatoes, bev- erages and sugar- based sweets. Movement must not be missed. Regular exercise is vital to health. This helps to con- trol weight. Go to the park, go to the gym and walk as much as possible. In conclusion, the body is directly related to mood, nutrition, but also to the sports activities that we have in everyday life. Student Alexandru OPREA Body and mental health Health is the most important thing a person can have. It is divided into body and mental health. In order to maintain a healthy body, we have to do sports, eat diversified, respect the three main meals of the day and sleep 8-9 hours per night. Sport regulates a wide range of process- es in the human body, one of which is sleep- wake alternation, which is also a major factor when it comes to health. The rules of a healthy diet must also be respected, without it the sport we practice and the sleep program fol- lowed are in vain. Proper nutrition provides the body with the necessary body to function at full capacity and provides the body with the energy it needs to make physical effort. Mind is a phenomenon present in all beings, it plays an important role in the realization of each action, decides that we must take care of its health. A rather complex thing, however, we can deduce a series of activities to follow. Regardless of how we self-respect the integrity of mental faculties, a routine control can reveal a multitude of problems, which, ignored, may get worse. Minor things, such as a simple dis- pute, can have a disastrous impact on our mind, following the suppression of affectional affections. Concluding, our health is one of the things to be cherished, being the most important thing we have. Student Isabella STROE 26