Infowriters4_2018 InfoWriters nr. 4 din 2018 | Page 27

INFO WRITERS Live healthy! A healthy life means, first of all, a balance, because if we are balanced, we know when it is time to stop doing certain activities, and more precisely, we know when and what we have to eat. Rest is very much influencing people's lives, so it takes an average of 8 hours of sleep eve- ry night, because during the day man is sub- jected to many activities that lose energy, tired of his brain first, but feeling fatigue in the body. During the night, he gets rid of the daily load, gaining energy. And hygiene is an important factor in a healthy life because it aims at preserving and promoting health. Everyone must have their own care items, which they will not borrow, even people in the family for transmitting mi- crobes. All these elements: healthy eating, move- ment and sport, positive thinking, rest and hy- giene are the elements that influence a healthy lifestyle and are designed to improve the lives of those who implement them. Student Adina Ioana MILEA People have become aware of the im- portance of a healthy lifestyle and started by making a change in a daily and vital activity, namely eating. They have eaten foods contain- ing fat, sugar and alcohol because they lead to weight gain, dental problems, lack of energy, heart disease, obesity or diabetes. They real- ized that in order to have the best health it takes movement, at least 30 minutes each day. Movement is a way to maintain us in a good physical form, to have a lot of energy, but also to keep our health as good as possible. Sport, especially the team, improves, in addi- tion to health, the communication skills of prac- titioners. Performance sports bring, besides glamorous results and issues such as the de- velopment of a single muscle group. People also have a positive influence on a healthy life in people because it reduces stress and people gain more confidence in them- selves. We have to think positively in reality and not think that if we avoid negativity in thinking, we will make every thing impossible to become real. 25