Infowriters4_2018 InfoWriters nr. 4 din 2018 | Page 25

INFO WRITERS The principles of a healthy lifestyle The principles of a healthy lifestyle are: Positive thinking healthy eating, sports, observing a sleep and Positive thinking can have an effect on the relaxation program, positive thinking, eliminat- health of the body. ing stress in life. Positive thinking reduces stress. What is a healthy diet? Eliminating stress in life A healthy diet must be Psychic stress is a state integrated into a lifestyle of tension and discom- that ensures overall fort. health and longevity. A Tips to get rid of stress: varied, moderate and consuming less sugar, balanced diet includes all laughing more often, the nutrients the body practicing sports, paus- needs. Seasonal food ing, eating foods con- enjoys the highest nutri- taining caffeine other tional load, so it's the than coffee, spending best choice. time in nature. What does sports Tips for a healthy life- mean in a healthy life- style: style? Observe a meal pro- Exercise reduces obesity. gram! Stimulates the immune system. Eat balanced! There is a danger of serious diseases such Consume fruits and vegetables! as diabetes, heart disease, cancer. Consume at least two liters of water daily! The importance of sleep for the body Consume natural foods! Sleep is essential for proper functioning of Sleeps regularly 7-8 hours per night! the body. Spend time outdoors! Regular sleep is ideal to keep your mind Make your daily move! healthy. A healthy lifestyle is necessary for a good Music is a healthy way of relaxation. functioning of the body. Walking in nature is another way of relaxa- tion. Student Cosmina Valentina MATEI Benefits of outdoor movement Cycling or roller walking, run- ning or other physical exercises done outside allow you to enjoy fresh air, natural light and na- ture while your body is working. immune system. Sports activities in nature are a good way to have fun with your family. At the same time, you im- prove your communication and strengthen relationships with your close friends. The sun exposure you enjoy during outdoor exercise helps your body produce vitamin D. Vitamin D is needed to main- tain the health of the bones, Student George MARINOIU 23 RareČ™