Infowriters4_2018 InfoWriters nr. 4 din 2018 | Page 19

INFO WRITERS A healthy body makes a healthier mind Many people think that "a healthy body makes a healthy mind." I hesitate to make the word, assuming that a healthy mind means something like integrity, happiness and optimistic attitude, I believe that people who have a healthy body also have a healthy mind, but a healthy body is not necessary for a healthy mind. Professional sports league players are probably the healthiest people in the world from a physical point of view; however, it is not unusual to hear news about their problems, such as offenses or domestic violence. A healthy body has a normal causal relationship with that of a healthy mind. The process of obtaining a healthy body requires good discipline. It's easy to do exercises one day, but you have to strive to continue to stay in a healthy physical condition. To prepare for a marathon run, you need to repeat running on moderate or long distances. It is a long and painful process, as someone who is prone to give up does not have a strong will. If a person has such a will, it is not surprising to be successful in other areas as well. A person with strong will attains many ideals in life, such as a healthy mind. A healthy body can be a factor in a healthy mind, physically healthy people have more energy to work on things they hold, so they have a better chance of enjoying life. Instead, sick people can be prevented by health problems. These problems can keep them away from things that make them happy. A scientific study attempted to discover the secret of the relationship between exercise and mind. Scientists have discovered a chemical called endorphin, which can be produced by the human body during exercise, spicy food, excitement, etc. can interact with other substances in the human body to generate a sense of well- being. A well-known effect of endorphin is "running at height" that appears to occur when the exercise is so demanding that the body reaches the maximum amount of endorphins that the body can release. Scientists are not sure, however, about the amount of endorphins that the human body can produce or impact on the mind. But at least some passionate people are very positive people. Former Google VP, Google's founder in China has run a project embraced by many young people and entrepreneurs in this country. A young man in this country has recently been diagnosed with cancer. This young man said he should have spent less time working and doing more things that would have made him healthy, like enough sleep and exercise. This tells us that at the end of a day not fame and wealth will make people happy if they do not have a healthy body. We should give up on using the computer for a certain period of time every day to do physical exercise. Maybe he will not make us positive people or good people, but we will have a longer and happier life. Student Elena B Ă LAN 17