Infowriters4_2018 InfoWriters nr. 4 din 2018 | Page 17

INFO WRITERS A Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body ”Mens sana in corpore sano” – this quote has become not only a personal way of think- ing when we are looking for the necessary motivation to work at maximum capacity, but also a way of giving ad- vice to the ones around us when they need a boost of positive thinking. It has a simple but profound meaning. For a healthy mind and body, we all know for sure that we have to be both physically and mentally healthy, but….a lot of us tend to ignore this mantra nowadays. lems in an almost inexistent period of time. But we forget that in order to achieve our goals we have to stay healthy both mentally and physically. We always look for psychical peace and equilibrium in order to coun- terattack the daily stress, but we do not realize that if we neglect our body we cannot nourish or mind. We can all follow some sim- ple steps towards a healthy mind, a health body thus leading a healthy life style. Some of these steps are: eat regularly – have 3 meals a A healthy mind dwells in a day, avoid junk food. Eat at healthy body and the mental regular intervals and do NOT health is a “must” for the skip breakfast. Add fruits and physical health. If the way of vegetable to your diet. Make thinking is a positive one, time to take regular physical this will help exercises. Go in maintain- for walks, jog, ‘In all this bustle and hustle, we ing the well- practice any being and must not forget that our health is kind of sports health of the one of our biggest wealth.’ for 30 minutes body. In the at least 5 days fast pace of a week. Drink today’s society, we are most plenty of water and liquids to of the time stressed and al- keep hydrated and to elimi- ways running against the nate the toxins from your clock in order to finish the body. Sleep for at least 7 things that we have to do hours per night in order to every day. We are so busy feel energized throughout that we do not allow us time the day. to eat properly, to exercise Make some time for yourself. and sometimes even to have Once in a while, take a an adequate sleep. We are break. You will feel full of en- always under pressure of ergy, both physically and deadlines and accomplish- mentally. ment of the set goals. We Don’t lose yourself in past want to solve a lot of prob- 15 experiences. Focus on the present and the future. Don’t stress yourself over things that you can’t change any- more. Learn from your mis- takes and move on. Try to keep a balance between the personal life and the profes- sional one and treat them as two different worlds. If the personal problems affect your professional life and vice- versa, this will for sure lead to even more stress, anxiety and frustration. Make time for your hobbies. They have therapeutic effects, bringing mental balance by reducing stress. Our busy lives haven’t left us with too many alternatives but multitasking. We all try to do so many things in such a small amount of time and our lives have become hectic which leads to gaps in main- taining a healthy life style. As a result, our physical and mental health have to suffer and we do not feel capable of following our dreams and ac- complishing our daily tasks. In all this bustle and hustle, we must not forget that our health is one of our biggest wealth. So, eat regularly, sleep enough, take exercis- es, take breaks to relax, fol- low your hobbies, balance yourself and go towards a healthy life style and a health YOU. Teacher Gheorghian Anca