Infowriters4_2018 InfoWriters nr. 4 din 2018 | Page 13

INFO WRITERS The Role of nutrients in the functioning and wellbeing of the human body T he main role of the ali- mentation is that of providing the right nu- trients in the necessary quantities for the body’s met- abolic needs and, in addi- tion, to give the consumer a sense of satisfaction and pleasure through the hedon- ic attributes of foods. Recent research back up the hy- pothesis that, besides the need to satisfy the nutritional needs, the diet can influence dif- ferent physical functions and can play unfavourable or beneficial parts in some illnesses. In the field of nourishment sci- ence, the con- cepts are expand- ing from the old tendencies, based on surviv- al, satisfying the hunger sensation and preventing the negative ef- fects, to new tendencies, based on the consumption of foods that promote the well- being, improve health and reduce the risk of getting ill. Recently it has been noticed the beginning of a new era in the nourishment field, reflect- ed by the change in the con- sumer’s attitude which can easily be seen from: The interest manifested to- wards the compounds that promote healthy life styles (antioxidants, vitamins, cal- cium, etc) The conviction that through the right attitude, including the one in nutrition, one can avoid cancer; becom- ing aware of the existence of a link between the physi- cal state, psychical one and foods, as well as one be- tween diet, longevity and physical aspect; The conviction that the right diet offers better solutions for a healthier life style than the medical treatments. The changing concepts in the nourishment field have significant influences upon 11 the orientation in today’s so- ciety. These are also deter- mined by the following as- pects: the rising cost of med- ical care and medical leaves, a lower level in health due to lack of physical exercise be- cause of the fast pace of life, the rising level of information provided by the authorities and mass-media regarding nutrition and the existing link between diet and health, the constant growth in life expectancy, the elders’ desire for a better quality of life as well as the pres- sure excited by a diverse and competi- tive food in- dustry.