Informational mailer - Referendum 2021 | Page 4

Logical consequences if the referendum questions are not approved

Referendum 2021 was developed to maintain the services , programs and resources that Anoka-Hennepin Schools currently provides its students without increasing taxes . Question 3 responds to feedback the school district has received from community members and families about the growing needs of students over the past five years in community surveys and school board communications .


If Question 1 is not approved , the district would consider reducing learning opportunities , increase class sizes , change school schedules or close schools and other strategies to balance the budget .
Question 1 asks voters whether to renew levy funds that account for 9.3 % of the school district ’ s operating budget ($ 34.5 million ). Preliminary estimates identified approximately $ 5 million in reductions in school and district administration and support , transportation , student support and building operations .
This leaves $ 29 million in potential reductions in instruction and instructional support to include :
• Changing middle school to six period day : $ 3 million
• Changing high school to six period day : $ 1 million
• Closing elementary school : $ 500 thousand
• Elementary staffing ratio ( currently 23.7:1 ) by 1 student : $ 1.7 million or 27 FTE
• Middle school staffing ratio ( currently 24.7:1 ) by 1 student : $ 875 thousand or 13 FTE
• High school staffing ratio ( currently 29:1 ) by 1 student : $ 913 thousand or 14 FTE
Reducing $ 29 million in the operating budget will require additional increases in class size ratios and reductions in electives and opportunities at all levels .


If Question 2 is not approved , the district would need to reduce the budget in other areas to provide technology for students in the classroom . The school district could also be faced with not providing or maintaining the same technology tools and resources that students and classrooms have seen added over the past ten years .


If Question 3 is not approved , the programs added in schools through onetime federal funding that provide mental health , social emotional support and academic support for students perfoming below grade level will be discontinued after the federal emergency funding is expended in 2023 .
All this and more available on the Referendum 2021 website :





ahschools . us / vote2021