Arts . I had made it the ultimate goal of my life , to give respectful image to this field in our society .
Q . How many students are currently enrolled in your department ?
Ans . At present , we have more than 1500 students in our department , all divided into six different departments as Visual Arts Department , Textile Department , Interior Designing , Graphic Designing and Research Centre . At Jhang Campus we have Ancient Craft and Textile Department – all are doing a magnificent job .
Q . Usually in educational system , there is a gap between students and teachers , how do you overcome these communication gaps ?
Ans . I consider “ Arts ” as a different flavored subject than others , because the bonding in between students and teachers in this field has to be superb . Until and unless , there is no strong spring between teachers and students , the real concept of “ Art ” cannot flourish .
Art is the name of expression and feeling that is to be transmitted to others through brushes , colors , textiles and other creative mediums .
Q . What kind of change do you observe with time in this field and what kind of training is lacking in teachers of this field ?
Ans . As “ Arts ” is not a static field , there is certain changing in this field but unfortunately these changing are awful . The teachers lack training to accept a leadership . The race to attain power had ruined the whole system and had crushed the minds of teachers . In simple words the juniors lack connectivity with their superiors .
Q . What quality do you wish to see in your students ?
Ans . I want my students to be devoted , passionate and hardworking . Students are somehow lacking the element of emotional attachment with their courses . They have less sense of feeling the Art and the only solution for this is the realization of inspiration from the grass-route level to the top-notches .
Q . What are your views about “ Museum Studies ”?
Ans . I have introduced this course in my department and with blessings of Allah it had been a good move . I teach Museum Studies and during the course I provoke my students to visit museum and get them emotionally involved with our history and culture .
Q . What would be your massage for students of this field and future artists ?
Ans . The artist of future needs to have a grip over drawing as it is the basic element of this field . Moreover , the young generation should know the sensitivity and dedicative role of Fine Arts in a high culture oriented society like Pakistan , in which hard and tough issues can be easily presented and highlighted from the platform of Fine Arts .
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