News and Tips for Programing
Use a consistent coding style
Good coding style is like using correct punctuation. You may think you can manage
without it, but it sure makes things easier to read. As with styles of punctuation, there are
many possible variations. However, you do need to have and to use a consistent style.
Good style is important because while your code only has one author, it'll usually have
multiple readers. This is especially true when you're writing code with others. In that case,
it's a good idea to agree on a common style up-front. Since no style is strictly better than
another, working with others may mean that you'll need to sacrifice some preferred
aspects of your style.
Benchmark your code
There are multiple ways to time code.You can use the microbenchmark package. There is
also the rbenchmark package, and the tried-and-true workhorse System.time(foo).
Regardless of which you use, it can be illuminating to compare slightly different
implementations. Which brings us to the next suggestion…
Profile slow code
Use R’s code profiling mechanisms, specifically Rprof, when dealing with slow code.
Identifying the bottleneck and recoding it, or moving it into C++, can provide speed gains
measured not in multiples but orders of magnitude!
SQL Server Data Tools Now Supports SQL Server 2014
Fresh on the heels of SQL Server 2014 being released to manufacturing, the SQL Server
Data Tools (SSDT) team yesterday announced support for the new version, along with
numerous other enhancements.
One benefit of SSDT is that it lets database developers do more work in Visual Studio,
without having to switch back and forth between the IDE and other applications such as
SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS), among other things.
"The most important new feature is support for SQL Server 2014," noted Microsoft's Kevin
Cunnane in a blog post announcing the new release. "We also have a number of new