INFO NEWS !!! Volume 1 | Page 3

INFO NEWS !! Mobile Applications A mobile application, also called apps, it is a term used to describe Internet applications that run on smartphones , tablet computers and others mobile devices. Mobile applications usually help users by connecting them to Internet services more commonly accessed on desktop or notebook computers, or help them by making it easier to use the Internet on their portable devices. These apps began appearing in 2008 and are operated by application distribution platforms, and are operated by the owner of the mobile operating system, such as the Apple App Store, Google Play, Windows Phone Store, and BlackBerry App World. The popularity of applications has increased in the last years because their use is becoming more frequent in mobile phone users. Mobile applications were originally created for general productivity and information retrieval but public demand and the availability of developer made quick expansion into other categories, such as mobile games, apps of communication, entertainment, GPS and location-based services. To develop a mobile application, the developer must take into account the large number of screen sizes of mobiles, hardware specifications and configurations because of intense competition in mobile software and changes within each of the platforms. By: Héctor Madrigal Ramírez 207320251.