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Buy here : http :// homework . plus / info-321-paden-case-study /
You are a star consultant from " Databases R US " IT consulting and managing firm . Just graduated from APUS and this is your first critical job . You just got hired by " Home Solutions Inc " a construction and Parts Company to help them with their customer and parts data management . Unfortunately , the company has been depending on the owner ' s nephew for their data needs and Joe has done his best to come through for the family business . His lack of experience with data management is hurting the business as they have been unable to successfully keep track of their inventory system , customers and sales . Joe has put together a spreadsheet , see below , and they have been using it as a database of sorts , to track their customers and inventory .
Your specific tasks to help the business are in parenthesis are the percentage that correspond to the per item payment ( grade weight ):
1 ) Review the existing spreadsheet , and their sample data and make any assumptions you need about the company . Make any comments about the approach that you are going to follow , as you see fit . ( 10 %)
2 ) Redesign the spreadsheet into a database with tables , add any fields that you think could be useful , even though it is not absolutely necessary . Explain your actions as you go along .
3 ) Perform a functional dependency analysis , and include it as part of your deliverables , for every step of the normalization process ( 25 %)
4 ) Clearly take the existing un - normalized structure through distinct 1NF , 2NF and finally 3NF stages , using the shorthand representation . All three stages of normalization have to be clearly