Infinium Global Research High Pressure Processing Market | Page 13

Global High Pressure Processing Market: Trends and Forecast -2023 COMPANY PROFILES OVERVIEW AVURE TECHNOLOGIES INC. AVURE TECHNOLOGIES INC.: CONTACT INFO AVURE TECHNOLOGIES INC. Contact details Address: Tele: Fax: Website Key Features No. of Employees: No. of countries of operation: No. of SBUs/Subsidiaries: AVURE TECHNOLOGIES INC.: FINANCIAL INFO AVURE TECHNOLOGIES INC.: Revenue Comparison revenue 162 3.35% 160 3.30% 158 156 12.5% 31.5% 3.25% 154 35.5% 3.20% 152 20.5% 150 3.15% 148 3.10% 146 Region 1 144 2014 region4 AVURE TECHNOLOGIES INC.: Revenue Breakdown by Segment Key Highlight 1: Sample text Sample text Sample text Sample text Sample text • Key Highlight 2: Sample text Sample text Sample text Sample text Sample text. • Key Highlight 3: Sample text Sample text, Sample text, Sample text, Sample text 12.5% 31.5% 35.5% 20.5% Segment 1 | region3 2015 Key Highlights 13 Region2 3.05% 2013 • Revenue by regions YoY Growth in Revenue Segment 2 © Infinium Global Research Segment 3 Segment 4