Infinity Towers | Page 6

AMBITIOUS ARCHITECTURE AND DISTINCTIVE DESIGN ESTABLISHING A LANDMARK THIS PROJECT AIMED TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON THE TOWN CENTRE AND BE GEOCON'S BIGGEST EVER PROJECT THE BUILDINGS WERE DESIGNED TO BLEND IN SEAMLESSLY WITH THE EXPANSIVE SKYLINE INFINITY TOWERS WOULD FEATURE A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT DESIGN TO OTHER BUILDINGS IN THE TOWN CENTRE Geocon worked with the architects at Peckvonhartel to develop an iconic design that would create a landmark for the Gungahlin Town Centre. The archictectural concept looked at making the most of the views and the connection between the interior and exterior environments. Peckvonhartel considered how they could achieve this through a sophisticated design that used curvature as a main element—a departure from the usual linear and rectangular shapes of development architecture. They examined a number of national and international developments to gain inspiration, utilising their team of architects in Melbourne to create the initial concepts before refining these ideas to suit Canberra. This approach allowed them to draw on the design methodologies of bigger cities and deliver the unique design elements that Geocon was looking for.