negative and positive . Darkness defi nes the light . We will be in more darkness in this season , to redefi ne our light . As the season of gratitude , we must be grateful that the lessons have played out and we are moving on to the next lesson , wiser and more fi lled with light .
The mystery of the season fi lls us with excited anticipation as we are presented with an opportunity to know ourselves better . The masks of Halloween ( All Hallows Eve ) are a refl ection of the many masks we wear already : mother , father , sister , brother , wife , husband … If we were to choose a mask for our new karmic direction , what would it be ? The balanced scales shift as everything in our lives presents refl ections - a mirror , a gage , a testament to where we are right now and what we have created . We have time to look at this refl ection and think about it , and decide what our next step will be .
This is the time to celebrate the end of a bountiful cycle and to take a rest . Although our days are full of activity , with school in session , programs and work , nature informs us that rest is still necessary . She gives us shorter days and longer nights . Let ’ s rest well as we rediscover our new path . Let ’ s enjoy the journey and drink in the beauty with all that we are . We have earned it .
Divinity Spiritual Gathering of Fairfield “ A Place of Love , Light , Truth , & Freedom ”
4800 Holiday Dr . Fairfield , OH 45014
One Mile North from Jungle Jims On Rt . 4 , Left on Hicks Blvd ., Right on Holiday Dr .
Visit us at blogtalkradio . com / DivinitySpiritual . All services are archived and available 24 / 7 .
Every Sunday - Service starts at 11:00 AM
Healing Prayers For All Every Monday from 4:00 PM- 7:00 PM
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About the author : Cynthia , Little Flower ( AKA Cynthia McNabb ), is an administrator , counselor and teacher . She and James , Little Eagle Standing Strong ( AKA James McNabb ) are featured on WCJV digital radio on their show “ More Than Paranormal- an exposé from the psychic point of view ” on Thursday evenings at 8:00 PM EST . Join them at http :// www . wcjvradio . com /. They will be doing psychic counseling at the Victory of Light Psychic Festival in Sharonville , Ohio on Nov . 19 & 20 . For more information see : http :// www . pimsuccess1 . com /