Infinity Health & Wellness Magazine October / November 2016 | Page 28

Aquarius (January 19 - February 18) Careful to keep positive supportive people around you in October as your career moves are easily influenced. The more closely you research and examine an issue the less clarity there is, perhaps the resolution can be grasped only on an intuitive level. A romantic partner can be intoxicating as if they have put a spell on you this month. Even the arguments are exciting! Very important lessons are learned at this time be it in the classroom or in life. Seek to clarify your beliefs about life and cast self doubts away. Business and finances are favored in November. Consider a second honeymoon if you are married. Pisces (February 19 - March 20) Time for you to be able to see a larger perspective, lifting yourself out of your usual mundane life. The more foreign, exotic and unknown a destination, idea or art form is the more fascination it holds for you this month. Sharing common ideals or purposes in a group either on a professional or personal level can aid you in being very successful now. You need and want to socialize now, attending parties and cultural events. Greater demands and responsibilities in your profession bringing you to have success or face the failure of our e