Infection Prevention & Control Market Analysis | IndustryARC Infection Prevention & Control Market Analysis | I | Page 2
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ï Estimated CAGR growth rate being 5.3% during 2015-2020, the
infection prevention & control market is rapidly becoming a default
portion of the healthcare industry.
ï With the potential to revolutionize the entire life science industry,
this market is in high demand with an aim to make the world a
disease free place! Rising awareness among people; growing cases
of surgeries; high number of elderly and aging population among
the world are the primary market drivers noted.
ï The introduction of technically enhanced instruments likes
portable autoclaves, In-House & ethylene oxide (EtO) advanced
sterilization in the Infection Prevention & Control Market has
esulted i the d astic s i g f o the p e ious used e uip e tâs
such as steam sterilizer.
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