Women will do this again and again , despite the fact that this approach almost never works , leaving them disappointed , and angry when he ends up choosing a woman who has almost none of the qualities he says he wants .
3 . Focus on activating his infatuation instinct
The only surefire way of getting a man to commit with his whole heart , so he ’ s absolutely sure a woman is the one for him , is to activate his infatuation instinct with the examples of techniques in Infatuation Scripts PDF book by Clayton Max .
A man ’ s infatuation instinct is turned on by very specific qualities in a woman . Things like curiosity , boundaries , and uncertainty , which stir a sense of excitement and a desire to chase .
While many women will try to show a man how devoted they are to him in the hope that this will make him feel safe enough to open his heart , this more often than not just adds to the pressure he feels , since at this stage , he ’ s more afraid of losing his freedom than losing her .
In it , you ’ ll learn about the ‘ emotional tripwire ’, which puts a man in infatuation mode , without him realizing why .
Infatuation Scripts PDF Book by Clayton Max is for you if you want the power to make a man ‘ lock in ’ on you , so you ’ re the only woman he can imagine being with , even if he ’ s always been a commitment-phobe , even if he ’ s never been in a fully committed relationship before , and even if he ’ s stuck on another woman .
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