Respond to at least two of your classmates ’ posts . =================================================== INF 338 Week 1 Discussion 2 Team Development FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www . inf338rank . com
FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www . inf338rank . com
Teamplayer . After reviewing the readings for this week and the article “ Building Virtual Teams : Strategies for High Performance ,” answer the following in 200 words :
What are some of the characteristics of effective teams ?
As a manager , how can you help promote these characteristics in your team ?
Respond to at least two of your classmates ’ posts . =================================================== INF 338 Week 1 Discussion 2 Team Development FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www . inf338rank . com
Team Development . Review the “ Stages of Team Development ” website athttp :// www . businessballs . com / tuckmanformingstormingnormingperf orming . htm and use the model to examine a team in which you are / were a member . How well does the model explain your experiences as a developing team ? How could you use this model to better “ manage ” a team in which you were charged as the leader ”? What are the implications for project management when a project needs to begin