INF 338 RANK Future Starts Here/ INF 338 RANK Future Starts Here/ | Page 11

Long Projects. What are some things that you can do to improve the functioning of teams during the course of a long project? List some ideas here and show how they facilitate team cohesion and team development. Would these enhancements be different for virtual teams? Respond to at least two other students in a substantive way. =================================================== INF 338 Week 4 Discussion 2 Peer Assessments FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Peer Assessments. After reading “Peer Assessment” on page 111 of the text, explain how peer assessments can strengthen a team. How can it improve team relations and reduce team conflicts? When would peer assessments not be appropriate? Respond to at least two other students in a substantive way. =================================================== INF 338 Week 4 Quiz FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT