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success of the project? Respond to at least two other students in a substantive way. ------------------------------------------------------------------- INF 338 Week 3 Quiz FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT 1. Activities for which the earliest and latest times turn out to be equal are called critical. 2. Then what does Forward Pass- EF stand for when running through the network from beginning to end? 3. Which of these is not a change that is stated as happening in the workplace today? 4. What does the term free float refer to when referring to an activity? 5. The following are key features of this age of Project Management according to Pinto and Kharbanda (1995)… 6. The amount by which termination of a noncritical activity can be delayed before it causes one of its successors to be delayed is called the free float of that activity. 7. Project scheduling is a central yet often overrated aspect of project management. The real work is done when the project scheduling is complete. 8. A Project Manager’s role over the Project Life Cycle include the following except: