of undergraduate and 4 % of graduate students self-report copying materials “ almost word for word from a written source without citation .” 7 % of undergraduate and 3 % of graduate students self-report “ turning in work done by another .” 3 % of undergraduate and 2 % of graduate students report “ obtaining paper from term paper mill .”
In Excel , create a worksheet that addresses the following :
In cell A1 , enter the following title for this worksheet : Student Plagiarism Statistics .
In cell A3 , enter the following : Form of Plagiarism . In cell B3 , enter the following : Undergraduate . In cell C3 , enter the following : Graduate .
In cell D4 , enter the total number of undergraduate students that participated in the study 63,700 .
In cell E4 , enter the total number of graduate students that participated n the study 9,250 .
Beginning in cell A5 , enter each of the six categories of plagiarism identified by this report , one in each row . ( These categories are found under the “ Academic Integrity in College and Graduate School ” section showing the results of the survey done by Donald McCabe .)
Beginning in cell B5 , calculate the number of students that admitted to each offense . To do this , you will need to calculate the number of students based on the percentage provided .
For example , if there were 63,700 undergraduate students that participated in the survey and 36 % admitted to paraphrasing / copying a few sentences from an Internet source , then that would mean that 22,932 students admitted to the offense ( 63,700 * . 36 ). Complete these calculations for all six categories . Be sure to enter formulas and use proper cell referencing , e . g . = D4 *. 36