Ladies and Gentlemen…
Start Your Feet… WAlk!
If you could do one thing that
would improve your overall
physical and mental health,
increase your energy, had almost
no side effects and was free would
you do it? Unfortunately for most of
us the answer has been no.
• Walking improves focus and
brain functioning
It’s May in Indianapolis - time not
just to start those engines but time to
start our feet. Walking on a regular
basis is possibly the simplest, cheapest
and easiest thing we can do to improve
our health and the quality of our lives.
Walking as little as 15 to 30 minutes
5 times a week has major benefits.
The question becomes, do you value
yourself enough to take care of you?
• A 30-minute brisk walk can
improve our mood for up to 12
Walking has positive effects on our
physical health, reducing or eliminating the effects of heart disease, diabetes and cancer. According to Chris
Crowley, author of the popular book
series Younger Next Year, 70% of diseases could be eliminated or controlled
if we just took better care of ourselves.
Yet, what I’m most intrigued by are
the positive effects that walking has on
how we feel.
Walking is Good Medicine
• Walking decreases anxiety, depression and stress
• Walking increases self-confidence and helps us to feel better
about ourselves
• Walking is an excellent way to
shift out of a negative mood
• Walking increases the quality of
sleep and helps improve memory
• Walking each day reduces ch