accumulating in our mailboxes? My personal
shredder is getting more of a workout than I am. It
seems like my emailbox is filling up with more junk
mail that I have ever received in past years. Half the
time I don't even have the time to read all the
solicitations and special offers. They just get tossed in
the trash, and I know that I am missing out on
valuable coupons for stuff that I probably don't need
or won't use. I have more Kohl's cash than I can ever
I love technology, when it works, and I love being able
to manage my crazy independent lifestyle. However, I
sure wish I had someone else to remember everything
for me every day, each new year so that all I have to
do is enjoy living and making memories with my
children. When I think about all the things I need to
remember, it is a miracle that I have not forgotten my
own name and social security number.
by Marti Lindell is an advocate for Seniors Aging in Place and
connects seniors to the services they need to live independently in
their own homes for as long as possible. Contact her at 317-7979598 or by email at: [email protected].
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