PrimeLife Enrichment Center
Register for any of these seminars by calling 317-815-7000
March 15 – May 15, 2014
10 Signs of Alzheimer's, presented
by The Alzheimer's Association.
Understand the difference between
age-related memory loss and
Alzheimer's and what to do if you
see signs of the disease. View video
footage of people who are living with
the early stages of dementia and
their families addressing fears and
myths associated with Alzheimer's
Disease. Lunch provided by Second
Helpings. Wed., March 19th,
11:30 a.m.
The Golden Years – Keeping them
Healthy, presented by Mental
Health of Greater Indianapolis.
Engage in a lively discussion
regarding mental wellbeing. Learn
ways to stay healthy when aging
through a discussion as well as
through play. Lunch provided by
Second Helpings. Wed., March 26,
11:30 a.m.
PrimeLife Enrichment Center
Monday-Thursday: 8:00am - 7:30pm
Friday: 8:00am - 4:30pm
1078 Third Avenue SW Carmel, IN 46032
(317) 815-7000
Music with Jerri Williamson.
Sponsored by Alliance Home Health
Care. Enjoy a variety of standard
Indianapolis TV Sponsored by
and classics 1920 through 1960's
Wellbrooke of Westfield. Presented
by David Smith, Professor Emeritus, mixed with trivia and humor.
Ball State. Learn about the advent of Lunch provided by Second
Helpings. Wed., April 30, 11:30
TV in Indy from 1938 to present.
Lunch provided by Second Helpings. a.m.
Wed., April 2nd, 11:30 a.m.
Dance the Sleeping Beauty,
presented by Central IN Academy of
Dance. Excerpts from their
upcoming performance of The
Sleeping Beauty. A beautiful
princess, a handsome prince, a frenzy
of fairies & a magical kiss: a classic
storybook ballet. Lunch provided by
Second Helpings. Wed., April 16,
11:30 a.m.
Foster Parents: Ordinary People
with Extraordinary Roles,
presented by Damar Foster Care.
You may know of individuals or
couples in the community who
would be interested in fostering a
child. Foster care families are now
more than just the “traditional” two
parents, 30-40 year olds, with above
average income. Now many
Escaped with Honor, Chuck Layton successful foster parents have
modest incomes and homes, and
and thirty-six other soldiers were
some are single parents. Come
captured during the Korean War. A
learn what foster care is all about.
daring escape led by Layton ended
their seventeen weeks in captivity. Yet Lunch provided by Second
Helpings. Wed., May 7th,
his actions caused him decades of
11:30 a.m.
guilt. With heart-wrenching true
stories, he will tell how he found the
pathway to peace and faith. Lunch
provided by Second Helpings. Wed.,
April 23, 11: 30 a.m.
How to Get the Most Out of Your
Medicare Dollars, Sponsored by
Alliance Home Health Care.
Medicare rules and regulations are
ever changing. Learn how to work
through the Medicare maze. Lunch
provided by Second Helpings.
Wed., May 14, 11:30 a.m.
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