Legal concerns
Too many families are required
to make health care decisions for
a loved one without any proper
guidance. We have all read or
heard about cases where family
members who disagree over a
loved one’s care end up arguing
in court with a Judge making
the ultimate decision. In some
instances, there are no family
members to guide the caregivers.
All of these situations can be dramatically improved or avoided by
the execution of advance health
care directives.
Indiana allows for a variety of
health care directives including
living wills or life prolonging procedures, powers of attorney for
health care, do-not-resuscitate
orders, and as of July 1st this
year: physician orders for scope
of treatment (POST).
Each of the health care directive documents has a distinct
purpose. Living wills or life
prolonging procedures are effective when a physician certifies
death will occur in a short period
of time. A power of attorney for
health care allows individuals to appoint another to make
health care decisions when they
are unable to make the decisions. The physician order for
scope of treatment (POST) is a
new direct physician order for
individuals who are seriously
ill concerning matters such as
CPR, interventions, etc.
These health care directives
are not only for the frail, chronically ill or the elderly. Each of
us deserves to direct our medical
treatment or select someone to do
so when we are unable. Discuss
your wishes with your friends,
loved ones and physician. Include
advanced health care directives
as a part of your estate plan.
Your personal health care directives are your right to decide.
By Anne Hensley Poindexter,
Managing Partner
Campbell Kyle Proffitt LLP
Carmel 317-846-6514
Nobleville 317-773-2090
[email protected]
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